Flood in Poland ...

2 min read

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iro-kotori's avatar

i wanted to write something about situation in my country because it is getting worse day by day....
most of you (or not) know that there is a flood in Poland :(
many people are in big trouble because their houses are filled with water on even 3 meters ;__;
i even saw in TV video when bus stop is totally under water O_O
level of river is rising in half an hour!!!

people feel sorrow because authorities said that everything is going to be alright and there is nothing to worry about..

they were wrong :(
i hope that it will STOP raining and this flood will not do any oder damage
i am scared about consequences of it,
not only people will have to rebuild their houses but it also exist risk of epidemic..
i hope this situation will never take place..

as for me, in place where i live there is one river which can flood side with my house, it is already overflowing bridge and flowing opposite direction !! O_O

here are pictures from my place:
i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae… my mum took this picture yesterday, this bridge is now underwater ;(  

God, i hope dykes will withstand...
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keyko020988's avatar
ech a co ja mam powiedzieć jak ta woda dojdzie do Elbląga to będzie po mnie:(
Elbląg leży na nizinie więc jak by ta cała woda do nas doszła też by mnie pewnie zatopiło mimo iż mieszkam na3piętrze może byłabym bezpieczna ale kurde cała reszta Eg jest zagrożona:(Normalnie martwię się jak cholera Tczew już zalewa a tam moja znajoma mieszka:(to samo może spotkać Malbork niedługo gdzie też mam tam znajomych:( i Gdańsk też:(mam nadzieję że jednak ta durna woda jakoś powoli spłynie i że nie zaleje już więcej osób:( całymi dniami oglądam te wiadomości i jestem przerażona:(